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In Immunizations, change "VFC eligibility" field to display values based on age of client

When a client is an adult, the VFC eligibility values do not fit. Many health departments are giving vaccines for the "Uninsured and Underinsured Adult Vaccine" program, and need to report "dose level eligibility" which uses the same HL7 codes, even though the wording may be different.

The VFC eligibility options listed don't always make sense when the person is an adult. For example, when a child is underinsured, the option of "VFC eligible - Federally Qualified Health Care Center Patient (under-insured)" is used. However, when the adult is underinsured, the MIIC category for the same value is "Underinsured (Patients with private insurance that does not cover the vaccine itself or has a cap)." It's up to the user to determine the correct value based on the VFC eligibility options.

A suggestion would be to have the VFC eligibility options when the client is 18 or under and the Dose-level eligibility options when the client is 19 or older.

  • Kellie Kopischke
  • Jul 26 2023
  • Future consideration
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