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med set up checkboxes for takes on own and doesnt take on own


Could we ever get “Medications to Include in Setup Check All | Uncheck All” to be above both the Active medications and the Takes per self?  Right now it is just listed at the very top, but if you check all then it checks the ones that they take per self and when we do med set up we would have to uncheck those then, or just not use the check all tab.  I realize that it doesn’t take a tone of time, but always looking for a short cut when charting. Also if the days could all carry down too somehow that would be great, so we don’t have to type in each one.  Not an immediate need, but would be nice.  Thanks!

  • Jodee Sugden
  • Jan 21 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • +2