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Automatically set Case Status to Closed when Discharge Date is Entered

Change case status on name and address tab to closed when a closure date is entered on discharge tab.Why is it when you put in a closure date it won’t change the status to close. We have tons who are closed but show open because the nurse forgets to go and change status on the name and address tab – can this be changed – its been an annoyance since day one.
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  • Aug 11 2017
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  • Patrick Olson commented
    November 03, 2023 20:50

    Being new to NN, could someone educate me on the reason for case status? If a client has at least one active program or an opened-on date with no discharge date, wouldn't the case status be open (I realize case status is its own customizable separate field currently and requires staff to maintain it)? If a client doesn't have any active programs, shouldn't the case status be closed? I'm eager to learn what case status is used for.

    My initial thought process is, it is going to be difficult to keep the following fields consistent if we can't make any of them required, opened on, case status, program begin and end dates, and closure on.

    I also agree with this request. I would like it if when a client is discharged, their programs are automatically closed, and the case status is set to closed if case status has to be shown. Automating case status like this with cascading logic may be difficult because customers may have changed the closed option under case status. I would also want programs to automatically be end dated only if documentation can still be completed when a client is inactive per program status. I don't fully understand the case status field since it appears it could be driven off of either the opened-on date/closure date or program begin/end dates for at least one program depending on how an active client in NN is defined.

    Disclaimer: I am really new to NN so the case status may have an important reason that I do not fully understand yet. I look forward to any feedback so I can learn the importance for the case status field.

  • Guest commented
    August 07, 2019 19:33

    This would be very helpful! It would be nice if it also closed the program. 

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