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Allow reporting on Scheduler Views in Use by Employees

A scheduler saved view cannot be deleted if someone has it set as their default. It's hard for an agency to know exactly who has the view set as their default if they would like to delete the saved view. Ron mentioned that he could add a field on the employee info screen to allow them to run a report to find who has the saved view set as their default. 

  • Champ Ideas
  • Aug 5 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Nicole Sowers commented
    November 19, 2018 15:37

    This is in production now showing when you try to delete a view.

  • Theresa Schmidt commented
    March 29, 2018 19:27

    We just had an incident where a part-time employee set a calendar as their default.  It took weeks to figure out who had it set and we had to go to each computer and look.  It seems like there should be an easier way to see this.