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Move Gender to Name & Address Tab

Please put the gender selection drop down on the Name and Address tab of client details. This is required for some billing and is the only thing on the demographics page that is. This would streamline the registration process when all a patient is registering for is immunizations.
  • Champ Ideas
  • Jun 8 2017
  • In Production
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 16, 2021 19:33

    If we could also add in the ability to have additional gender options this would be appreciated.

  • Renae Henderson commented
    January 25, 2018 14:48

    Agree!! Also on the Name and Address tab, if you could include a "Note" box so we could identify placement/family members/foster care data. Sometimes kids move in foster care system and would be nice to "Note" where/when/who they are with. If you put gender on the Name/Address maybe change "Gender Note" to just a general "Note"? is one idea.

  • +11